The right book at the right time


In addition to The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, here are five more books important to me.

  1. Let Your Life Speak, by Parker Palmer

  2. Bird by Bird, by Anne Lamott

  3. Falling Upward, by Fr. Richard Rohr

  4. The Hard Thing About Hard Things, by Ben Horowitz

  5. Between the World and Me, by Ta-Nehisi Coates

If you read one of them, I hope it’s meaningful for you too.

But it might not be.

Friends have recommended books they described as life-changing. Thoughtful friends I admire. But when I read their book rec, my reaction was… “meh.”

It wasn’t them. Or the book.

It was me. Or me at the wrong time.

Sometimes, we need to pick up a book at the right time. I read Seven Habits for the first time in 2003, and it did nothing for me. When I read it again in 2011, it clicked.

Reading the right book at the wrong time is a nonevent.

But if the right book hits us at the right time, it can nudge us in a new direction. Or even set us on a whole new course.


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