Thinking for ourselves
“Only dead fish go with the flow.” - Andy Hunt, American software developer, and co-author of The Pragmatic Programmer
If we find ourselves agreeing on every issue with an authority figure. Or in complete consensus with an ideology, movement, or political party.
That’s a red flag.
It’s a sign we might not be thinking for ourselves.
It’s good to rely on people and organizations we trust. As a starting point. But we shouldn’t blindly tow the party line. We should filter their ideas through our own principles and values.
Because even if you and I share the same race, religion, political leanings, and professional experience. Even if we’re the same age and live in the same zip code. If we look hard enough, we’ll find something important that we see differently.
Or we should.
We shouldn’t let ourselves be defined monolithically by any group we happen to be a part of.
We’re more than our neat and tidy demographic categories.
We should think for ourselves.