Here’s why you should stop jogging
“People don't need to be managed, they need to be unleashed.” - Professor Richard Florida, American economist and author of The Rise of the Creative Class
Humans have 4 speeds.
It’s easy to default to a jog. Especially at work.
At work, it’s widely accepted to spend eight hours working at a respectable, consistent pace.
An eight-hour jog might be optimal if we’re paid by the hour to work on a factory floor or assembly line. Maybe. But for more creative jobs, jogging isn’t optimal.
Jogging sucks.
Professor Richard Florida studies and teaches at the University of Toronto and NYU, and he’s best known for his concept of the Creative Class, the socioeconomic class driving economic development in post-industrial cities.
Software developers.
Knowledge-based workers in healthcare, business, and finance.
Eight-hour jogs aren’t optimal for the creative class. We can go faster and further if we focus on resting, walking, or sprinting.
Most of us are sharper and more effective in bursts. Flurries of concentration and focus.
The Creative Class includes 30% of the American workforce, those of us primarily responsible for identifying and solving problems.
Maybe we sprint from 9am - 2pm. Then go to the gym. Run errands. Spend time with family. And sprint again from 8pm - 11pm.
Rest, walk, sprint. Repeat.
Stop jogging.
Jogging sucks.