
The Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes at the University of Notre Dame. During football weekends and finals, it’s hard to find an unlit candle. Priests celebrate outdoor mass here regularly. Hundreds of students have proposed marriage here. And the Rosary is prayed every day at 6:45 pm, rain or shine.

The Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes at the University of Notre Dame. During football weekends and finals, it’s hard to find an unlit candle. Priests celebrate outdoor mass here regularly. Hundreds of students have proposed marriage here. And the Rosary is prayed every day at 6:45 pm, rain or shine.

Somewhere in the world today, there’s a dry field. And a farmer praying for rain. And in that same town where the farmer lives, there’s a wedding today. And a bride praying for sunshine.

Someone is going to be disappointed.

Those of us inclined to faith in a Higher Power have seen prayers go unanswered. We don’t get that job we wanted. Or we don’t get into that school. 


But it’s helpful to consider that maybe our prayers don’t get answered sometimes because God is doing something important in someone else’s life.

When I applied to colleges in high school, I was waitlisted and ultimately denied admission at the University of Notre Dame. After many prayers. 

For lots of reasons (some good, others foolish) that make perfect sense to a 17-year old, I really wanted to go to Notre Dame. When they denied me, I was disappointed. More than disappointed.

It worked out though. Vanderbilt let me in. I moved to Nashville instead of South Bend. I got a good education, and I met a pretty girl from Kentucky who said y’all instead of you guys. Now we have three children together, and we’ve made Nashville our home. Our house is just 4 miles south of Vandy’s campus.

I love my wife, I love Vandy, and I love Nashville.

It worked out. 

I still pull for the Irish though. And I sometimes wonder who got that spot on the Notre Dame waitlist instead of me. I like to think he or she met someone as special as Elizabeth.

And that The Universe knew what It was doing.


A reason for being


Gillian is a dancer