Circle of Concern vs. Circle of Influence
Memorial Gym, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
I’d like Vanderbilt to win an NCAA basketball championship someday. But I can’t think of a single productive thing I can do to help make that happen.
The Vanderbilt basketball program is in my Circle of Concern. But not in my Circle of Influence.
I’d also like my children to value honesty, gratitude, and kindness. Off the top of my head, I can think of 10 things I can do today to help that along.
My children are in my Circle of Influence.
There are lots of things that concern us. The trick is to focus on the inner blue circle.
On the things we can actually influence.
We can spend an afternoon reading about the next national election, wringing our hands, and watching TV pundits analyze polls and make predictions no one will remember in a week.
Or we can spend an afternoon knocking on doors for a local candidate we know will represent us with integrity. We might even bring our kids along so they can learn something about democracy.
Our choice.